Saturday, November 17, 2012

9/11: A day of Hate. Not of religion

Of all the conspiracies surrounding September 11th, 2001, none of them hold up. Or I should say; none of them but one. The attacks were committed by extremists who hated everything they thought America stood for. Now we may not be angels, but nobody deserved to die that day. Nobody. 

Even now, after more than a decade, everyday people show that they didn’t learn anything about love and open-mindedness from it. We didn’t see that that blind hate like those extremists possessed was the same as the blind ignorance and assumptions so many now relate to the incident. 

People can slip up. Spew ignorance. Make connections between the religion, Islam, and the attacks. They say they didn’t mean it, but still their words have meaning regardless. The assumptions they make, those quick judgments. It’s as if an atheist could say that all Christians are evil because they claim to have the same religion as individuals who cherry-pick parts of the bible to justify their persecution towards certain groups of people. Maybe you aren’t old enough to know. But you are certainly old enough to learn. 

The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Klu Klux Klan. Are these movements guided by a religion of peace? No. They were led by self-important men who think they know more about the God they claim to worship. They diminish their God by claiming to speak for him. 9/11 was not the work of religion. It was arrogance, hypocrisy, ignorance. It was hate. Those horrible men who hijacked those planes hijacked Islam that day too. They insulted the Islamic God.

Care and love and faith was so absent that day. America hasn’t quite managed to bring it back yet.

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