Wednesday, November 14, 2012

That’s My Name…

There are some words subconsciously tied with certain events, emotions, or ideas that invoke an unexplainable effect on me when spoken. Many writers explain this fundamental power of language able to silence a room or win a war. Hearing derogatory terms such as retard, twat, and f@got directed at others causes me serious psychological pain. 

I hate the use of words like those in particular because people think having a mental disability or being a girl or homosexual would reduce a person’s worth. Through over-use they have morphed into nothing more than common insults. Using the racial slur: ‘N---’, lies on a whole new level of ignorant because of its ties to racism and violence, but people online or friends throw it around like nothing. 

Our modern society has diminished, muted, and nullified the true power and definition of the word. To some circles the word can mean ‘idiot’ or even just ‘person’. I understand that some African Americans began using it so show their oppressors that it wasn’t an insult to them anymore, but I believe that the history of that word needs to be remembered. We need to understand all the hate and discrimination that our country injected into ‘N---’ because it is an important part of America’s history. Its background reminds us of what we were, and what we still need to do. Like so many other words whose potency should be respected, that big ‘N-bomb’ has been worn out to say the least. The phrase “That’s my name, don’t wear it out” represents more than names, it describes the situation of these ‘worn-out’ swear-words. 

The terrible name representing America’s history of hate and segregation has decayed and its power forgotten. I think the potential consequences of rewriting or weakening the meanings of words should be a higher concern in social awareness, and that the influence of N--- should remain an unspeakable slur.

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