Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Science! The Tardigrade. indestructible and strangely adorable....

The first living organism known to mankind able to survive in outer space. They look a little like panda bears in Haz-mat suits! I'm thinking human sized versions of these could be a really cool Doctor Who monster someday! Or an endangered species that must be saved..

This little guy is a Tardigrade (it even has a name that sounds like TARDIS), or a water bear. In 2008, water bears were the first animals demonstrated to be able to survive the vacuum of space. They are virtually indestructible and can survive being blasted with radiation, intense pressures and years of desiccation.
Specimens were launched into space by Swedish scientists and they returned unharmed after eight days.

For more info on their superhero tendencies:

This image is courtesy of The Scientist, where it is a finalist in their 2012 Lab image awards. Go vote for water bears!

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